Because it is ultra clean, natural and a sustainable source of energy that you can utilize in the use of making solar electricity, solar heating appliances, solar cooling appliances and also solar lighting appliances, and it has massive financial benefits. They can generally be seen in the reduction of your utility bills. As you would be consuming solar power for the electricity that you use, the heating, the cooling and the lighting of your environment.

When measured up to the unavoidable rise in the cost of energy in recent times as well as in the future. Solar energy systems are very much affordable, and with the help from the programs that are now available to help in the installation costs, they seem to make much more sense than using other sources of generating energy apart from the solar energy.

The renewable energy is replaceable. The supply is never ending and is extracted from the natural sources without spoiling the natural flow. it is our duty to exploit only those reserves that cannot cause harm to the environment and step ahead to create opportunities to reduce the usage of conventional electricity, protect global environment and reduce the global warming phenomenon.

No doubt our planet is full of energy resources but it is our duty to exploit only those reserves that cannot cause harm to the environment. The constant consumption of fossil fuels has evolved threats of fuel extinction but we are provided with many alternates. Need of the hour is to invent not only cost effective but also environment friendly methods to fulfil the increasing demand of power.